


DJ Rhodes has state-of-the-art technological equipment for every service it provides. Our Fireworks & Special Effects services create a spectacular atmosphere for your wedding and moments that will provide you with the greatest emotions!dj-rhodes-09-10

At the entrance of the newly married couple or the first dance, we build a set of fireworks that will be unforgivable. It will be the only chance for your professional photographer and a unique experience for your guests.
DJ Rhodes has a legal license to use and fireworks. It also has the tools needed for the safe use of sparklers and special effects by specialized staff. We can assure you of anesthetic and atmospheric effect, according to the safety standards and mostly taking care of the safety of your guests.

As for the cost of the fireworks service, it starts at 100 euros and can go up to 500 euros for fountains or aerial sparklers with a wireless detonator. Inform us about any question you may have about the details for organizing the Wedding Effects with light rhythms, fireworks, and sparklers.

Trust us to highlight the most important moments of a wedding reception.
Fireworks fountains are extremely popular, among other things because they do not require permission from the fire department to use them. However, they remain very special and impressive, especially when performed correctly and at specific times of the whole wedding event.

Consult DJ Rhodes to enrich with fireworks fountains, your entrance to the reception area, your first dance, or the cutting of the wedding cake! All our operations are carried out with a wireless firing system by specialized security personnel.

The fountains of the artifacts are the same, many requirements do not require the appearance wipe the application for their use. However, paralysis is very sharp and impressive, perforated required correctly and at the time of the shooting.

Advising DJ Rhodes to enrich himself with art fountains, access to add availability, dance to your choice, or to cut the wedding cake! We use user functions with a search system of applications by a specialized person.

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Events 4 You by Kostas Maravelias not only will cover up your events and parties with special lighting but also will decorate the place of the event or your wedding venue with professional high-quality lighting. LED Lighting technology allows us to decorate the venue full range of professional lighting options and combinations for the ultimate perfect result. Events 4 you have state-of-the-art technological equipment fully capable of dealing with small and large events and in combination with our experienced wedding DJs, it offers you an amazing result for your wedding! Our staff is fully experienced with clear and impeccable knowledge for the installation and assembly of our equipment aiming only at the best results and the absolute satisfaction of yours!


Events 4 You will take care of the preparation of the venue and the setting of your event before it starts, even more before you arrive at the venue! Our sound equipment is the best of its kind. We ensure crystal clear sound independently of the space the venue will take place. We use a wide range of speakers depending on the number of visitors and the venue of the event.


Our company offers you services of Fireworks &Special Effects so that you can create the most impressive result and a very special atmosphere in the most important moments of your wedding venue such us your entrance in the venue and the first dance of the couple. We guarantee an excellent and professional result and it is our commitment to creating fantastic photographs, ideal to be taken by a professional photographer so that these moments last for a lifetime!

Fireworks and special effects don’t need to be expensive to create a magic atmosphere. Our company has an official license to use fireworks at parties and events All the products that we are using are high quality and are accompanied by an approved security certificate. A starter budget pack for the fireworks are 100€, with an average budget of € 250-€ 350 for the fireworks “fountains” and 350 € – 500 € for the air fireworks.

The specialized wireless detonator is included in the price. We always give the first priority to the safety of each visitor and this is the reason why each firework is triggered by authorized personnel, on condition that all the safety standards have complied. The fireworks used in our events are always the ones of the highest standards and specifications and come in many types according to your preferences.


Events 4 you by Kostas Maravelias is ready to handle all your events and create a unique party for you, with the most talented and professional DJs. We are fully cable to handle all of your music preferences depending on the type of the event including weddings, private events, school events, corporate events, carnival events, birthday events as well as beach parties! We will create a special playlist together and we will design your event that will surprise each one of your guests.


Φανταστικός DJ, έκανε τη γαμήλια δεξίωσή μου τόσο προσωπική, όλοι χορεύονταν όλη τη νύχτα και όταν δεν ήθελα να ρίξω το Μπουκέτο μου πρότειναν ότι ίσως ήθελα να το παραδώσω σε κάποιον, έτσι έδωσα στην κόρη μου. Μας έκανε να κλάψουμε χαρούμενα δάκρυα, σας ευχαριστώ DJ της Ρόδου!!!!

Βάσω Δράκου

Η καλύτερη επιλογή κάνει την ξεχωριστή σας μέρα τέλεια!!

Θανάσης Ιωάννου

Amazing dj !!!!! Excellent music choices !!!! Consistency … organization …. professionalism !!!!
Thanks so much for everything !!!!!

Laura Bruni

Φοβερός Dj, Μπραβο!!

Panagiotis Organopoulos

Η καλύτερη επιλογή κάνει την ξεχωριστή σας μέρα τέλεια!!!!

Μιχαήλ Δημητρίου

Πολύ καλός , μπράβο !!!

Αγγελικη Χατζηδημητριου

Amazing dj !!!!! Excellent music choices !!!! Consistency … organization …. professionalism !!!!

Marco Giuliani

Αν δεν εχετε dj τον Κωστα στο γαμο σας ΜΗΝ παντρευτειτε! Φοβερος επαγγελματιας με μοναδικη επαφη με τον κοσμο, ο οποιος ξερει πώς να δημιουργει ένα παρτυ! Κωστα σ’ευχαριστουμε πολύ!!!

Giorgos Missikos

Ξεπερασε ολες τις προσδοκιες μας… δημιουργησε την πιο υπεροχη ατμοσφαιρα…. Στην πιο ομορφη ημερα της ζωης μας!!! ( Ξαναπαντρευομασταν…μονο και μονο για να ξαναζησουμε αυτό το υπεροχο παρτυ που μας διοργανωσες!!! )

Stefanos Vogiazis

Πραγματικα δεν εχουμε λογια. Αριστοι επαγγελματιες , εκαναν τον γαμο μας ένα μεγαλο παρτυ με τις μουσικες και τους φωτισμους τους! Ευχαριστουμε για τις στιγμες που μας χαρισατε παιδια!

Lina Karanika

Dj Kostas is the Boss. Το παρτυ πηγε τρενο ως τις 5+. Φωτα , πυροτεχνηματα , ηχος , όλα αψογα. Καλυψε και τους πιο απαιτητικους καλεσμενους μας. Ευχαριστουμε Κωστα!

Titi Titi

Επιλεξαμε τον Κωστα γιατι μας αρεσε ο τροπος που μας εδειξε και κατοπιν μας απεδειξε ότι το παρτυ του γαμου μας θα ηταν τελειο! Όλα ηταν σωστα και όπως τα ειχαμε συμφωνισει. Το παρτυ πηγε SKY ROCKET! Ευχαριστουμε πολύ Κωστα για όλα οσα εκανες για εμας!!!

Sofia Tsourounaki

Αγαπητε φιλε Κωστα , σε ευχαριστουμε για όλα!!! Η ολη οργανωση που ειχες και το αποτελεσμα που ολοι ειδαμε , δεν περιγραφεται με λογια!!! Μας εκανες τα ονειρα μας πραγματικοτητα… ♥

Eirini Tsourounaki

Πέρασε ήδη μια εβδομάδα από τον γάμο μας και ακόμα κόσμος μας μιλάει και είναι ενθουσιασμένος με τον φωτισμό που επιμελήθηκε ο Κώστας στον χώρο μας αλλά και για την άψογη μουσική επιμέλεια την ημέρα του γάμου μας. 🙂

Vasilis Papavasiliou


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